Its going to be cold. The sun is out. +Baldwin County Drug Court Color Code testing+ is going on today. We all have to call to know if its our color. There are some things we just know right. You can tell us once and we know. We can see for ourselves.
What was it that toke me so long and so much hard ship, to see that no body is going to look out for me as good as a Higher Power. Others have helped me and I thank you so much I'll never be able to make good on it, to all of you" thankyou".
Somewhere I became so self-centered.I stopped thinking, I stop looking forward, where I wanted to be ten ,twenty years down the road.
The right attitudes, I have not had every time, all the time. There's only a short part of that road of Life to go now. I have a shorter walk to make. So I must take slower step's, shorter step's and this way I can take a longer look at where I'm going to be ,once I get there.
The only thing I do know, is if I don't make the right steps now. I'm not going to like the ones I'm told to take by a power grater then myself. Jesus tells me in Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." I believe Jesus Christ can and will create in me a new way of life.