

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Today there is no color in Baldwin county. Let's stay focused with each task at hand. We have three thing that our freedom   stems out of. That are don't lie, don't use and show up for everything. Meetings are everyones Weapons if your reading this you can find one. They're even some chat rooms and look I'm in hangouts on line with my g+ site video call me I'll talk to you. Just thinking about what it has cost me and my family because of my self centered behavior. Read this in the bible if you fighting are if someone you know is...(Titus 3: 3-8) color code we call every day we know it's going to be over. Raport, the shoulder this to shall pass. "But seek he first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these thing things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33. So afterwards when there is no color code, no Court ordered meeting. Our problems of life will still be with us but can you see how powers grater than ourselves are in control of all things. " let go and let GOD".