

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Beatitudes

#3 Submissive. Jesus said: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5  I give my will and my life to Jesus Christ.
 My life is not at peace until I became peaceful. (
 There are things out of my control. God did not make me the boss. Its my soul that I'm to protect. Using Gods word not the worlds view. Is the key to salvation. That's how I and all mankind may have peace on earth.

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Beatitudes

Repentant - The #2 Attitude of Victorious Living.
  Jesus said: "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4
  I believe Jesus Christ can and will create in me a new way of life.
 Its that next step I must take to have the relationship With Jesus needed. My attitude is the key to letting go and letting God.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

the Beatitudes

 #1 HUMILITY.      JESUS SAID:  Blessed ate the poor in spirit, for there's is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3
 Have you broke down to point that you now know your attitude is your worst enemy. Is there no happiness in your life. The very word blessed is happy or to be happy.
 God knows me more than I know me. In my life pride was stopping me from having the happiness God was holding on to for me to have. Just as long as I was making myself happy, making myself believe what I was doing was happiness. God could not make me a blessed one.
  As a person outside of Gods will there are only earthly things that made me feel good about myself. Proud about what others could see me with.
 Only this stuff  would come and go. So up and down life's road I stumbled. Trouble with the law, going to jail, all relationships gone. No children nothing.
 My spirit and its needs for this world was now poor. It was there I admitted I was powerless over the affects of drugs and alcohol, self-centered behavior. YES, my lifeJesusdmanageable.
 The first step in a relationship with Jesus  was that day.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Beatitudes

The Sermon on the Mount is teaching that Jesus gave to His  students. It explains of the path that we can take.
 To examine our hearts.
 To be renewed in our ninds.
 To live the spiritual life by putting off the old man and putting on the new, spiritual man.
We at call it the "Ten Attitudes of Victorious Living."
  God word tells us it will not return to Him void.
 John 8:31-32 ...." If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
                Matthew 5 is the path God has gave us all. What will you do now.

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Beatitudes

Loving Servant   Jesus said..."You are the salt of the earth;... You are the light of the world.... Let your light so shine before men,that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.". ( Matthew 5:13-16
 I have done very little for God on this earth. Other don't have a lot of good things to say ad out me. This world, has no good to say about any one.
 As a new creation in Christ, l share with others the Good News of a risen Savior who makes His people whole.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Jesus said: "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for my sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for grate is your reward in heaven..." Matthew 5:11-12
 I stand firm in my faith that Jesus is I control of all things.
  Have we been in some very bad spots. Seen things that could never stop being seen in my head. Would love to go back and never do or go and see that again. Unless something happens to us medically that's not going to happen.
 Someone came up to just the other day. I had not talked to this person in 15 years. Asked me to come party and I told them no way I'm a new creation in Christ. That He saved me
 That's when my old friend began to remind me. O and everyone around in the story that could hear. All about me from 15 years ago.
 Now you know all I could do was say, sadly I was that person.  Even though the storys grow alot it looked ask if i was a party monster and could get away with things. I never had to eat, sleep, work. Over the years to this person he was making me out to ne something i was not. All the things to him was bigger and just more. Stopping before this person had me bringing Woodstock to the small town or inventing new ways of drinking beer not of a can. I just stoped him and dead, "I'm sorry I had that much of a influence i didnot need him to remember me for that. Once again I ask the old friend if there was any way I could help him find peace. He just looked at me with a smile and said no.
 He had done this for to long he had to get drunk, he was going to get HIGH. We talked more about Jesus and he talked more about the party life. I asked him to the most excellent way meetings. He just said that he couldn't do it. We parted ways that old friend and me I gave him my number he told me he would think about it. I asked him to pray and he let me pray right there with him. We said our good by. I started shopping.
 Before the time I got out of the stor. Ten time I was asked about the meetings. And two ask for my number to call me. Three asked to pray.
Perseverance, If I had ran from my friend as he was talking the way people do when they wish to be heard by other. The devil would have won that one. Only the Holy Ghost had other places he needed me to be.
 Never give up. I have. More times than most.
Know this if God can use me and my past just see what He could do with you. Don't Stop.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Beatitudes

Baldwin County Drug Court Color Code will be testing today. A no show is the same as a positive so have the right attitudes at all time.
 MATTHEW 5:10 Jesus said: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness'sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
 I trust in the power of Jesus Christ when I face hardship and trials.
 There are times that life brought upon me the unexpected. I'd be there thinking " I didn't seem that coming."  Truly asking why. Also times I had no right to ask why at all.
 The faith it takes me to make it when the unexpected comes is the same faith I have to
Find when I have put myself in a place that I have to ask my saving, forgiving, loving,
Father in heaven to keep me from harms way.
 Its the same faith that I need to hang on to. In the good times and the bad.
 I may stumble and I may be pushed down because my faith did not stand up to the test.
So I take a look at myself. Not to blame othewitht times like this. Understanding Its my soul God is protecting. So I get over myself, I get on my face and I trust  in the power of Jesus Christ. Looking to have the right attitude God is expecting me to have so all the world can see His POWER not just what I can put up with.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Beatitudes

 Jesus said: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." Matthew 5:9
 I ask forgiveness from all thosel have hurt or dealt with uunfairly.
 God is not fooling around so don't waste your time. See God owns time it is not going to run out on Him. You me and Satan time runs out on.
 My past may be something I would like to forget but if its not at peace. How can I become a son of God.

 Every week and day God helps me make my past a place of peace. I've had to humble myself. Repent of my sin's. Take some hard steps. But the power that's God's sees me out of all that this world could do. God is with me because I call on Him to.


 Matthew 5:8    Jesus said, " blessed are the pure in heart, For they will see God."  I desire to live under the guidance of God's Holy Spirit - Day by Day.
  I have always felt this way. I believe that a change was made in me. I was not forced to make this change. I was in need of a relationship. One that would not end because something was taken from me here on earth.
 As this relationship grows inside me other use the person its making me. The act of a Obedient person is making this change. I'm not a perfect person. I think that OK. Because how I act with this flaw.
 That's how things changed, first in me then around me. All over being; Obedient to the power I need more than any thing. It pulls me to it. Its always in my head. I can't help but think about it. How to have more of it in my life. To do what ever it takes to get it. Go anywhere. Others start to see if your doing something that much, it can be seen. People aren't as blind as you think.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

God Can Save Me?

 Pray for others today. Make a list of people that i need to say " I'm sorry." If i have to pay them back then I have to do my best. In doing that it helps my soul and gives it a peaceful out come becouse of the need for forgiveness.
 Its myself that has been living with, a hunting past why should other have to. Jesus is taking me out of it. I must use this new freedom of hope and give the world JESUS through the new me. I know what addition first hand. That its evil and of the Devil's from hell. I can have salvation in Christ Jesus. (call out to Him now and lay your sins down.) We all have a cross. Pick it up now its not so heavy.  I Trust in the saving God. It's Him not me with all power to do this.
 Jesus said: "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy." Matthew 5:7
 I humbly ask God's forgiveness for my sinful past. I am able to forgive those who have hurt me.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Beatitudes

  Jesus said," blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." Mattew 5 : 5...I give my will and my life to Jesus Christ.
  Once I found myself in a place I did not like, the need for Jesus my Higher Power to help me returns. My self-centered behavior had stoped me from asking Him all along for His will to be grater than my own.
 My need to give myself the things I wanted became grater than the thing Jesus  saw I should have. Once I stoped asking / allowing my Higher Power to be in control. (Not at first more then later) My thinking became," look what I'm doing for myself." I felt that I was doing more for me then God was.
 Thats the times I look back over on my life and everything that one could say are bad things. Now I see them as a loving, saving, helping friend. Showing me the things its going to take to get it all back.
 There is sometimes only a few words  was needed to make things right and sometimes it     took years.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Almond Rod - because God is watching over His Word to perform it.: The girl in blue. A story of two little girls and the Devil's work

The Almond Rod - because God is watching over His Word to perform it.: The girl in blue. A story of two little girls and the Devil's work
                          Baldwin County Drug Court (251)936-0364.  
       Matthew 5:6 Jesus  said : " Blessed are those how hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."
        I honestly examine myself in the light of Gods Word. Even though life has everyone, having to obay someone, in authority over them. For me once, I came to understand I'm not asked to do ungodly things only things that should and could have me used By God in a more powerful way.
       See my action made it posable for someone other than myself to tell me how to act. Why would God do this. I'm a child of God, he loves me, takes care of me in ways I'll never know.
       To be honest with God is not that hard because, He sees everything any way. Its to thyself be true. Others are not going to believe you all the time. That's the broken world we live in and until the end of days it will only get worse.
       What others think and say and do. I only have one thing in my power to control, these things and there effects in my life. Its HONISTY the truths that I hold will keep me going in the things God is teaching me. He will use things I may not understand.
       But to be Honest I don't have to understan them at first. God teaches His children in a way that is not soon forgotten. I must look at myself with honisty and the way God see's me. That's true freedom.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

                     SUBMISSIVE.                         BALDWIN COUNTY DRUG COURT TESTING is a everyday responsibility call (251) 937-0364
  I GIVE my will and my life to Jesus Christ. Jesus said," Blessed or the meek, for thay shall inherit the earth." Matthew 5:4
  Having a self-centered life has only pushed people away from me. With out there being others around me i can only be content in myself, or in what I'm doing. I like being happy. The word blessed means happy. The Sermon on the Mountain. Describes a type of behavior expected of people that call themselves Christian.
    This teaching gives you the path it take to get there. Jesus is not saying Do THIS I don't care if you like it or not no He's not that way. That's how it is done by the world. Jesus tells it like this. My children, be happy. This is how you get there.
   Now Drug Court, is hard. Its having me do things to show them I wish to be free.
   Jesus is asking us to be free citizens in his kingdom forever. He covers 10 attitudes in the Sermon on the Mount.
  Drug court only has three Don't lie, Don't Use, Show Up. Hay that's not much different than what Jesus is asking. Is it?


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

    BALDWIN COUNTY DRUG COURT pay when they tell you to. Call every day.
    This I believe is the number two attitude for victorious living. I came to this point, only after I had truthfully came to the cross of Jesus Christ with first, all my HUMILITY. I knew at this point, the sin's of my life had separated me from my God. I was broken and weak. To look at me one could see I had no true hope in my life spiritually dead. It was at that point my Cry's for Forgiveness was accepted.
   Jesus Tell's Us, " Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4...
   It was at this point that my attitude changed. The Holy Ghost came and this proud unrepentant fool started to become something other than a lost soul. Living in sin and staying in a place separated from its creator.
   I'm not perfect. I believe Jesus Christ can and will create in me a new way of life. With the right attitude.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

  MATTHEW 5:3 Jesus said: " Blessed or the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
  Finding forgiveness is a very important part of my recovery. The years of bad seeds that was planted has become a large field full of lies. Pain is found there. Some abandonment. Things that others know more about what was wrong with me then I would see for myself. Why, because its like this. The self-centered part of being a addict created in me this ego that justified itself. In doing only planted more bad seeds. Every day I was" doing what I had I right to do", I told myself  I was a good person not seeing the world in flams all around me.
   My ego was out of control. Today I admit I am powerless over the affects of drugs and alcohol, and self- centers behavior --- my life is unmanageable.
  With that the field of bad things. Its starting to become a place that myself and even others likes to be. So the unmanageable part moves me to the need of Repentants. So this path move forward.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Beatitudes

Baldwin county Drug Court color code 252-937-0360. Let's not procrastinate call, a lot of people are coming in today.
                 Reconciliation                                With the right attitude,I was able to have this. First with myself leaving behind the self-centered attitude that addiction created in me. Things did start coming back in my life that made it more manageable.
 Matthew 5:9 Jesus said: " Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." The spiritual war I fought 12 years. Looking over any battle field so large is a hard thing to do. Its the living that clears any battle field not the dead. I ask forgiveness from all those I have hurt or dealt with unfairly.
 In this action new patrons began to form in my life. Just remember don't give up it doesn't happen overnight.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

This is the day of our Lord God. The only Saving power of mans soul. Pray to God. Thank God. Sing to God. Give back to God. Let others see God. Work for God. Just be for God. Never stop someone from finding God. That's just unamerican. Jesus sead " You are the salt of the earth"... You are the light of the world... Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."  Matthew 5:13-16 As a new creation in Christ, I share with others the Good News of a risen savior who makes his people whole.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

  I'm not in over my head yet. I've never been to afraid to play along. In the dark. Take on something bigger than myself. Pull the short straw.
  What type of person does this make me. (A very compulsive one)
Never using the God given brain I had. I began doing all the things around me with extreme effort. I had to do more, had to be the fastest, smartest, and out of that became a good me. Only I did not bring control with it. With out being able to control my ability life became self-centered, unmanageable the addictive personality now had control, not ME. THE THING, now would do the controlling. As it tells us in Titus 3:3 its what I had become. Because of that personality God the Father, never allowing his children to act this way put things in place to bring me back to Him. Matthew 5 teaches us humility, repentants, becoming submissive, Honisty, mercifulness, obedience, Reconciliation, faith, perseverance, being a loving servant. The 10 attitudes of victorious living. Let this minds be in you... Philippians 2:5. You can study + TheMostExcellentWay.otg + your self. Or (gmail) me for prayer requests. G+ can work to.

Friday, January 10, 2014

I'm told all the time life ant fair. I'm saying look how we talk to each other. Treat each other. Look how goverments run there people. How can I help? Should I care? Look I have found out this much if you let someone or something control you it will. There are a lot of energy vampires out there. People, places, things. Until the power over me is broken. Ill never Take back the power for myself. Then o yes it can be someone else's right there ready and well funded to take control.
   I can't reap unless i sow. That's right what ill reap will be what I have sowed. Its my hope to give something good to this world. If you wish to say its broken because of
some one other than you blame ME.
   I'll take that power thanks.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Action After Emotion

   I go through emotional battles to make it out to the other side of any crises. Be it a death,a break up. Unexpected things. Things I have to feel as a person. I can't say anything adout how much of these emotions or how long, they're to be felt. I can say if they get in the way off me just moving on I need help. Talking is the best way known to man/woman. There is something about saying the words out loud.
Not so the other person can hear it more than I will.
  I'll go to a the Lord in prayer. I'll go to a church to see some. Call a friend. I have found out saying the words out loud helps. It helps the most if its to the person/s that's connected with the emotion's I'm having. There is a higher power a force a spirit a God. That pulls my very will in the path of making thing right. Matthew 5:7 comes to me once I take the first step to make things right. Its Humility.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

attitude for the good

BALDWIN COUNTY DRUG COURT call every day. You need to know every thing that is said.The message is to help us keep our focus on the task before us today.+(251-937-0368)+
   I have seen over the past few month's, a lot of thing about myself. That if I was not in drug court would have put me at a place that life would be full of sadness, shame, and darkness all around me. It may have become all I had.
   In a day by day walk. Fallowing instution doing the right thing. Life is much nicer. I don't go and do everything I think I should or wish to do. That's just the thing that put me in Drug Court.
   I don't have longer in Drug Court. Its not asking to much of me. I call every day, people that love me, ask me to do that. People that need me to do something, would ask me to do  that. Everyone that would do that just thinks he'll show up, not lie, be sober. So I'll say this being Obedient is one of the +Beatitudes+. Progress of myself depends on my attitude.
  Jesus sead "blessed are the pure  in heart, thay will see God." Matthew 5:8. I desire to live under the guidance of Gods Holy Spirit - day by day.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

the only thing I know

 Its going to be cold. The sun is out.  +Baldwin County Drug Court Color Code  testing+ is going on today. We all have to call to know if its our color. There are some things we just know right. You can tell us once and we know. We can see for ourselves.
 What was it that toke me so long and so much hard ship, to see that no body is going to look out for me as good as a Higher Power. Others have helped me and I thank you so much I'll never be able to make good on it, to all of you" thankyou".
 Somewhere I became so self-centered.I stopped thinking, I stop looking forward, where I wanted to be ten ,twenty years down the road.
 The right attitudes, I have not had every time, all the time. There's only a short part of that road of Life to go now. I have a shorter walk to make. So I must take slower step's, shorter step's and this way I can take a longer look at where I'm going to be ,once I get there.
 The only thing I do know, is if I don't make the right steps now. I'm not going to like the ones I'm told to take by a power grater then myself. Jesus tells me in Matthew 5:5  "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." I believe Jesus Christ can and will create in me a new way of life.

Monday, January 6, 2014

dont be slow

Baldwin County Drug Court Color Code Is to be called every day. If you do not and your color is called and do not take the test. This will be looked at as a + test.
     We all have done some things we should never had even thought about doing.
      As I see now you can't unring that bell. My hope to stay clean at first was to stay out of trouble. I understand my flaws more because of a long hard look at myself. I hope someone understands this. Just because I had stopef drinking but not changing my attitudes about the people, place's, and things. I had not fixed the things that stopped me from having a nicer life, better friends, more stable jobs, a relationship with a bit more love.
       The Bible tells us in proverbs 6:6. Consider the ant...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Beatitudes Matt. 5

We can learn:
   .To examine our hearts
   .To be renewed in our minds
   .To live the spiritual life by
    Putting off the old man and
    putting on the new, spiritual
    man. Www.themostexcellent way.con

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A higher power than (my"self")

Thinking sometimes the same old way, just don't do it any more. Time and time again I've had to start over. It was the drinking you know doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. That was me drunk. Things would get nicer ,sober. I would yep be drunk again things would go bad. Like all drunks the insanity continued. Back and forth it was.
  So one day I, said to myself, "Self you need to take some steps to get out of this place you have put me."
   So not thinking God would know who was taking His time up or even care about poor old pitiful self. I had a Uncle that had tried over and over for me to,"Let go and let God". He would say.
   Getting him to pray for me was that first step. Life has not been sweet and happy all the time.
   Out of the help of a person stronger than " myself" I found God  and through Him all things are posable.
    Read matthew 5:3 its the start of a wonderful friendship and a grate attitude.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Baldwin County Drug Court Color "+"Code is open so "+" so call251-937-0368. Don't lie,Don't use, Show up. It can be done. Some times we just need help.
So is your hopes up or down. You could say that were done. There is no freedom in America. Let's ask ourselves first what it is, that I'm wishing to do, that I'm thinking would make me free. If its a morality thing let's watch ourselves. The laws in this nation are not ungodly ones. We may have ungodly persons in control of some powerful places in this country of ours. With that it is the government s job to hold peace in the street. Freedom is not having the right to live with out morel's. Just because I loved to get drunk do I have the right to put all of you in harm's way exercising that right. I thank my God every day for this nation. Its law's. The family I have. The freedom the hope it gives. More now that I'm going through some stuff.  Our laws gives chance after chance to law breakers that's Godly. John 13:34-35 Jesus said: " A new command I give you: ... Read and let this be today's meditation just for today.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

its not all about me

The Baldwin County Drug Court will be testing to day"+". Call 251-937-0368"+". Look at what you need and not at the things you fill like having. Most of the time there not the same. Today read your local news papers. Look at what's going on just under our nose. We all can be a little better off, happier, richer, smarter, faster, honest, helpful, just for today lets take a morality check of ourselves and work on it. That's sometimes becomes the best thing we can do for others.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Baldwin County Drug Court Color Code for today is no color. The holiday has them closed for the day. g+ me everyday and I'll have it posted and look at my blogs. The number to call color code is 251-937-0364. Makes it easy on yourself if you take the time and know what the whole message is.
Happy New Year stay focused on the good things not the bad. There is a power grater than ourselves in control of all things. The right attitudes in lifes walk not only helps one keep that focused to just get on down life's road just for today. It will help the one's focusing on us. That's right someone around you needs to see you working the steps. Jesus sead in Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and exceedingly glad, for grate is your reward in heaven..." I stand firm in my faith that Jesus is in control of all things.